About Me

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I am Becky.


I am messy and complicated. I am little hot tempered, but mostly kind.

I am a poet, a dreamer, a march-to-the-beat-of-my-own-drum kind of girl.

I dance in the rain and sometimes eat too much cheese.

I am fiercely loyal until you are not.

I am a work-in-progress. I am a Christian. I am flawed.

I am wonderful and strong. I am sometimes heartless.

I am loving. I am generous.

I am on a faith journey. I am becoming.



I love coffee, running, and Chipotle.

I love tattoos and piercings. I also love crochet and knitting.

I am modern AND old fashioned.

I am a living oxymoron.

I am a wife, a mother, a sister, a daughter, and a friend. Those are my relationships, but they are not who I am.

I write a lot about faith, homeschooling, and food. If none of those things interest you, I am probably not the blog for you.

Sometimes, I share my poetry. But not often…it’s too personal most of the time.

I share my struggles, too.

This is a little blog about my life.

13 thoughts on “About Me

  1. sparklesmcpretty says:

    You do more than any other Super Mom I know!! Does the East Coast provide more hours in the day than the West?? I know there’s the whole DST thing…. Not sure what that’s about since I’ve never participated.
    You’re my hero 🙂

  2. Shauna says:

    I was drawn in by your message here. I too have come to a new understanding of my spirituality and come to respect the love of God and reject my religious-cultic-traditional upbringing.

    The more I read the more I realize the importance of caring for God’s people in and outside of the church and giving back and sowing seeds of time and love to those who don’t have. I feel less guilt and more peace now in that aspect of my life anywho. Take care of you and your beautiful babies.

  3. Deb says:

    Hey there-
    Don’t know why I never wandered here before… great stuff. Even though I am not doing the HS thing, I appreciate what you do. 🙂

    See you tomorrow!

  4. Meagan says:


    I just stumbled across your blog and wanted to say hi! We are a new homeschooling family (3 step-sons ages [almost] 14, 10, and 9) also using the CM method and from MD!


  5. mizzmintz says:

    I stumbled across your blog and just wanted to say hello. I am also a homeschooler with 2 girls and a boy at home. It is such a blessing to be able to teach your own children, in your home, and also from a biblical perspective. I inspired one of my friends to consider it as an option for their family and they began homeschooling last year.

    May God bless you and your beautiful family.

  6. Anonymous says:

    Hi Becky,

    I just wanted to say ‘Thank you’ for posting samples your children’s narrations, they have been very useful. I think more of these are what us newbies need to get us started on CM.


  7. Candice says:

    This is a great blog… Thanks for sharing… it is great to see so many similar interests… I WILL be reading MORE!

  8. J Nimshi says:

    Hi; I clicked on a THM recipe link but kept reading the rest of your posts. I can relate to not being ‘allowed’ to have a different opinion. I think now I’m the dysfunctional family’s scapegoat. sigh. Still married but I do all the school and home stuff. I’m envious of those who have a real house with a place for a garden. We do private school at home, 3 of my 4 children have graduated (I use HSLDA diploma), with 2 of them a year early due to meeting all the credits needed. Busy busy! 🙂 I have one left who is in 9th grade. I use different curriculum AO, CM, Robinson Curric, which sometimes is annoying for my kids lol. I’ve learned a bit more about their individual personalities, and like to custom teach as much as possible. We are sort of different even in the homeschool culture, I don’t agree with some things being taught no matter where it is. I hope to travel camp and explore with a couple of my kids soon. What I hope to reap from what I’ve sown are decent, loving human beings who can think critically and have empathy. Take care!

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