iPhone Homeschooling – POTUS

The Presidents of the United States app is really, really cool!  I confess that I am the one most interested in this app.  The kids gave the the obligatory “wow” when I showed it to them, but so far, they could care less.  That may or may not change in the future, but homeschooling is about education – mine included.

I don’t know about you, but my history education was sadly lacking when it came to Presidents.  Oh, they highlighted the biggies – Washington, Lincoln, the two Roosevelts, Kennedy, Reagan, and Bush Sr. – but the rest of the men who held the office were just a blur of names, if that.  I literally know almost nothing about them.

I was happy to find that this app includes a lot of biographical details about each man.

In addition to all the detail about each President, it also offers the core documents of American Government, the line of succession, how the electoral college works, and the current cabinet.  How cool is that?

So, if you have older students, or just someone interested in the men who shaped our nation, this is a great app.  Hopefully we will have a lady in the ranks someday soon!

Have you missed earlier iPhone app reviews?  Catch up here: Pandora, Art, Fairy Tales, ABC Tracer, iBird Explorer 15.

2 thoughts on “iPhone Homeschooling – POTUS

  1. Paul Prichard says:

    I found this app around 8 months ago, and loved the basic information it provided. I deployed to Afghanistan, came back and now I can’t find it, even in the app store. Do you have a link to the app?

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