iPhone Homeschooling – Art

Any Charlotte Mason homeschooling parent will tell you that art/artist study is central to a CM education.  The ‘Art’ app available from iTunes makes teaching children about famous artists and their works a snap!

This app costs .99, but it’s definitely worth the small cost.

When you open it up, you are presented with a nice menu and lots of options.  You can browse all of the artists by name, by date of birth, or you can search for a particular artist or painting.  The selection is HUGE!

Every artist has his/her own gallery or art works that you can browse through.

You can save your favorite works and create slideshows.

In addition, there is a lengthy and detailed biography of each artist.  Links for additional information are also included.

When you have learned about a particular artist, you can take a quiz!

For a mere .99 you can have access to hundreds of artists and their greatest works.  For a homeschooling parent on a budget, this is a perfect app!  Plus, it’s homeschooling on the go and a way to keep bored kids distracted while taking care of errands and appointments.

This app gets a 5 Star rating from me.  😉

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